Sunday, August 18, 2013

Reflection Over Action Research Class

Five weeks ago when this class started I had no idea what an action research study was. I did not even know how to put the plan together to make sure I stayed focus and finished it in the eighteen months that this program takes to complete. Earlier in my educational career I have done research papers where you simply read the research about a specific topic and regurgitate the information into a paper and turn it in. This is a whole new way to find solutions. It is based on data collected throughout the timeline established in my action research plan. In Leading With Passion and Knowledge Nancy Fichtman Dana states that “administrator inquiry becomes a powerful vehicle for learning and school improvement.” (p, 3) By taking this cores and understanding the importance of the action research, I now can have a better understanding of how the action research can improve students, teachers, and schools. My school district has in the past encouraged teachers to do action research but there was not true understanding of how the research could impact both students and teachers. Each week during this class we dug a little bit deeper into the meaning and practice of how to do an action research study. Now I am a little nervous as the school year is about to start and I am going to involve the core teachers and support staff in this endeavor.
As I was looking for specific literature that involves my research question, I found that there is not a lot written on how to improve TELPAS rating on the written part of the test. However there are a lot of strategies on how to help an ELL student developing their writing and developing writing in the core subjects. I will be using those academic journals to help me develop my own teacher toolbox.
Last week’s assignment stretched my thinking. It introduced four different strategies to get me to look at my action research study from different perspectives. The Force Field Analysis was the easiest for me to write about because it focuses on “bringing about a change begins with understanding the circumstances surrounding the needed change”. (Harris, Edmonson, and Combs, 2009) I was new in my position last year, spent a lot of time listening and gathering information about the ELL program at my campus and realized that a change was needed to ensure that the ELL population is progressing at the same rate as their same age peers.  The CARE strategy was the hardrest for me because it wanted me look at concerns for making sure positive change continue happening in the future. Look at affirmations in the present to keep the action research process positive and give recommendations of how to successfully launch and complete the action research process. Last to evaluate the action research process often to determine the outcome and adjust if necessary. This assignment stretched my thinking about my action research study that I had not yet thought of.
Blogging and receiving feedback from my peers have been helpful. I also enjoy reading others blogs and commenting on their blogs. The discussion board is another useful tool to stretch my thinking and read other students thinking.
This has been a great class I learned a lot.

Dana Fichtman, Nancy. (2009). Leading With passion and Knowledge: The Principal as Action Researcher. United States of America: Crowin and American Association of School Administrators.
Harris, Sandra. Edmonson, Stacey. Combs, Julie. Examining What We do To Improve our Schools: 8 Steps From Analysis To Action. United States of America: Eye On Education

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