Sunday, July 21, 2013

Finding out about action research and how I can use it.

 As I started reading about action research I found out that it was different from the research I have done in the past. Action research is more personal. Dana describes it as “the process of a principal engaging in systematic, intentional study of his/ her own administrative practices and taking action for changing based on what he/she learns as a result of the inquiry.” (2009, p. 2)  An educational leader ask a question that they work together with a team to unravel and solve.  It is similar to teacher inquiry. I have used teacher inquiry with colleagues to determine how and in what way to improve our daily lessons. My colleague and I would discuss what was the most important aspects of the lesson that all students needed to know. Then we would discuss what would be great if they also understood. We would analyze and reflect on the formative assessment to move instruction forward and anticipate possible misunderstandings. By using action research a principal can “gain deeper insight into their practices as an administrator and leadership role in school improvement effort” similarly to the experience teachers have when they use inquiry to improve teaching.(Dana, 2009, p.3)
Action research keeps a principal evaluating and reflecting to ensure the school is constantly improving and moving forward. This course is going to prepare me to start my own action research and teach me to use it as I continue my path to become a principal. I think as a principal it is important to use action research because you are working with a team from your campus trying to improve the school together. A leader that is constantly and genuinely looking for improvement will inspire others to do the same.

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